“Amsterdam continues with the ‘bed, bath, bread, guidance’ program for rejected asylum seekers, even though the government wants to stop it”

Professor Arjen Leerks from Erasmus University Rotterdam appears on a Dutch television to provide his expert opinion migration and safety.\

Published originally on EenVandaag: Please see the link for the original full text and video. 

In the episode titled: “Amsterdam continues with the ‘bed, bath, bread, guidance’ program for rejected asylum seekers, even though the government wants to stop it”, translated from the original Dutch title, Amsterdam gaat door met ‘bed, bad, brood, begeleiding’ voor uitgeprocedeerde asielzoekers, ook al wil kabinet ermee stoppen, Een Vandaag discusses how Amsterdam will continue its “bed, bath, bread, and guidance” program for rejected asylum seekers in 2025, despite the new Dutch government’s decision to stop funding it.

The city plans to allocate millions of euros to maintain the program, which it argues reduces public disturbances and provides order. Launched in 2019 as part of a national pilot, the program aimed to find lasting solutions for undocumented migrants. Although the government will stop its funding, Amsterdam insists that abruptly ending the program would have severe consequences for public order and safety, requiring additional city resources to continue the initiative.

Arjen Leerkes, Professor Migration at Erasmus University Rotterdam in an interview on Dutch Television program EenVandaag.

Arjen Leerkes, Professor Migration at Erasmus University Rotterdam in an interview on Dutch Television program EenVandaag.


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