Information Sheets on Return Policies: the case of Türkiye, Georgia, Iraq, Nigeria 2024-09-16 in Information sheet The case of Türkiye, Georgia, Iraq, Nigeria. Authors: Nino Tartarashvili, Laura Cleton, Can Aygun, and Paul O. Adekola. Download the information sheet here. 801 663 Fair Return Fair Return 2024-09-16 2024-09-30
Opinion: Reclaiming the focus of Assisted Voluntary Return (and Reintegration) from the EU 2024-11-29 Opinion: Reclaiming the focus of Assisted Voluntary Return (and Reintegration) from the EU
Opinion: Ugandan return hub is built on quicksand, in which Europe in particular is sinking further and further 2024-10-24 Opinion: Ugandan return hub is built on quicksand, in which Europe in particular is sinking further and further