FAiR Opinion

Direct media – when FAiR is directly mentioned in the opinion piece. Official deliverable 14 op-eds. 

Opinion: Reclaiming the focus of Assisted Voluntary Return (and Reintegration) from the EU

Opinion: Reclaiming the focus of Assisted Voluntary Return (and Reintegration) from the EU

The EU Strategy on Voluntary Return and Reintegration of 2021 reiterated the need for EU Member States to increase the ‘voluntary’ uptake of returns, to be prioritized over forced return…

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1250 883 Fair Return
Opinion: Ugandan return hub is built on quicksand, in which Europe in particular is sinking further and further

Opinion: Ugandan return hub is built on quicksand, in which Europe in particular is sinking further and further

Opinion written by Erasmus University Rotterdam and FAiR researchers Laura Cleton and Arjen Leerkes and Mark Klaassen, Leiden University. Originally published in in Dutch National Newspaper 'De Volkskrant' on 21…

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828 548 Fair Return
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