News & Multimedia

Opinion: Reclaiming the focus of Assisted Voluntary Return (and Reintegration) from the EU

Opinion: Reclaiming the focus of Assisted Voluntary Return (and Reintegration) from the EU

The EU Strategy on Voluntary Return and Reintegration of 2021 reiterated the need for EU Member States to increase the ‘voluntary’ uptake of returns, to be prioritized over forced return…

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1250 883 Fair Return
Opinion: Ugandan return hub is built on quicksand, in which Europe in particular is sinking further and further

Opinion: Ugandan return hub is built on quicksand, in which Europe in particular is sinking further and further

Opinion written by Erasmus University Rotterdam and FAiR researchers Laura Cleton and Arjen Leerkes and Mark Klaassen, Leiden University. Originally published in in Dutch National Newspaper 'De Volkskrant' on 21…

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828 548 Fair Return
A Step Towards Better Migration Management
Welcome sign for the meeting, titled: Stakeholder Meeting on Independent Border Monitoring Mechanism in Poland, 1October 2024

A Step Towards Better Migration Management

FAiR researchers promote human rights-centred border monitoring On October 1, 2024, a pivotal meeting co-organized by the

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1920 2560 Fair Return
Opinion: A Grim Situation Looms if Funding for the “Bed-Bath-Bread” Program Stops

Opinion: A Grim Situation Looms if Funding for the “Bed-Bath-Bread” Program Stops

Original article posted in Dutch media, Laura Cleton, Erasmus University Rotterdam (FAiR Project); Bruno Meeus, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences; Ruben Boers, The Hague University of Applied Sciences/Open University; Richard…

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1104 620 Fair Return
Information Sheets on Return Policies: the case of Türkiye, Georgia, Iraq, Nigeria

Information Sheets on Return Policies: the case of Türkiye, Georgia, Iraq, Nigeria

The case of Türkiye, Georgia, Iraq, Nigeria. Authors: Nino Tartarashvili, Laura Cleton, Can Aygun, and Paul O. Adekola.

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801 663 Fair Return
“Amsterdam continues with the ‘bed, bath, bread, guidance’ program for rejected asylum seekers, even though the government wants to stop it”
Arjen Leerkes, Professor Migration at Erasmus University Rotterdam in an interview on Dutch Television program EenVandaag.

“Amsterdam continues with the ‘bed, bath, bread, guidance’ program for rejected asylum seekers, even though the government wants to stop it”

Professor Arjen Leerkes from Erasmus University Rotterdam appears on a Dutch television to provide his expert opinion migration and safety. Published originally on Dutch Television EenVandaag:

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1280 720 Fair Return
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